More Locals Joining Escort Agencies – Is Singapore Becoming Liberal?

There is a sure but increasing trend of young Singaporean girls wanting to become a social escort in Singapore for quick bucks. But why is this the case these days? Here are some reasons I assume these girls want to be an escort in Singapore.

First of all, Singapore has no minimum wage applicable. This means that job wages can be depressed by several large employers (note: these are still decent wages considering Singapore’s low income tax, but they are not fantastic by any means). Most university graduates make between $3000 to $4000, and the higher end make around $4000 to $5000. That’s about it. After working 5 to 10 years, most people end up making around $5000 to $6000 per month with only a few exceeding $10,000 per month. And even then, it’s with extremely long hours and little to no vacation time at all. By joining a social escort agency, it is one way to make more money easily. Being a social escort pays very well, among several other benefits as well illustrated by this article. Being able to work this job on a part time basis is also a giant perk.

Second of all, the Internet has been in full swing for over 15 years in Singapore. Being exposed to Western culture, where everyone is more liberal, many Singaporean girls have begun to embrace their ‘wilder and more liberal’ side. Compensated dating is now seen as something that is actually acceptable in Singapore – it’s true. Even in a normal dating relationship, girls are being ‘compensated’ in terms of gifts and dates. It’s just more blatant in a temporary relationship like that of an escort and that of her client.

Third of all, people like Kim Kardashian, Jamie Chua e.t.c. epitomize the ‘tai tai’ lifestyle. As their lifestyle are so easily flaunted and seen on Instagram, girls are affected and want to live that kind of life without ‘working for 30 years’. This can be a good and bad thing, depending on how you see it. It is however, not for us to judge people’s choices and lifestyles as long as they do not affect us.


In any case, being a social escort is definitely more acceptable to Singaporean ladies these days; but of course privacy is still a big thing, which is why most girls prefer to work under agencies which protect their privacy strongly.

Being A Social Escort Changed Me (A Singapore Girl Story)

In the previous post, we looked more at the American escort industry. In today’s post, I want to share a video of a local Singaporean girl who used to work (a few years ago) as a social escort in Singapore.

If you are a client instead and would like to engage a social escort, make sure to check out a famous SG agency, such as Geylang666 or SG VIP Escorts.

Otherwise, you want to read on to find out more about how being a social escort changed the life of a girl in Singapore.

In the following video interview by Razor TV of Straits Times, the escort (Giselle) being interviewed talks about how her life has changed due to being a social escort. Some of the biggest changes that can happen to you as a result of being a social escort is not what most people think.

First change is that it made the girl more materialistic

One of the main changes is that she has become more materialistic. Material goods and chasing such a luxurious lifestyle has become the norm. This is especially when girls who start escort work and see the money roll in quickly.

That is also one of the reasons why girls who want to work as escorts for a short while usually end up working for long periods of time instead!

Second big change is that she now prefers regular guys for long term dating

Another big change in the girl’s life as a result of taking on a female escort job in Singapore was that she preferred a regular guy now. What most people in Singapore may guess is that girls who worked as escorts want to look for a rich man as a husband if they ever want to get married to keep the luxurious lifestyle.

However, she just wants to find a guy whom she can settle down with, and not a high roller who tends to travel around the world and perhaps flirt around with plenty of girls. This is partly because most of the men who engage her services are usually highly successful business executives and she may have some kind of trust issues with such men in future.


However, despite becoming a social escort may change your life, many more Singaporean girls have been joining escort agencies recently. The money benefits definitely outweigh many of the disadvantages.